历史上的今天——12月27日 12月27日,公历一年中的第361天(闰年第 362天),离全年结束还有4天。 1831年——英国博物学家查尔斯·达尔文搭乘小猎犬号离开普里茅斯,开始五年的环球航行。 没有这次环球旅行,达尔文写不出《物种起源》的。 1896年——薛岳出生,中华民国抗日将领。 剿共没少剿,抗日没少抗,反正就是职业军人。 1952年——林正英出生,香港演员。 八九十年代,港产的僵尸片,林正英是绝对的头牌。 Smilie Vote is loading.
I may need your help. I’ve been doing research on gate io recently, and I’ve tried a lot of different things. Later, I read your article, and I think your way of writing has given me some innovative ideas, thank you very much. 回复
I may need your help. I’ve been doing research on gate io recently, and I’ve tried a lot of different things. Later, I read your article, and I think your way of writing has given me some innovative ideas, thank you very much.